Wake Up

Riverbend Campground Evening
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Hey all. I apologize, this week is going to be a pretty short post, but I’d like to maintain consistency.  Just been a little under the weather.

I think I mentioned last week, but I have both of my modelers back in commission, which is good. I’ve also started playing around with Unreal Engine — I’ve been working in Unity, and I love it, but I’m worried that the current network features are going to end up limiting what I’d like people to be able to do without expensive third party options.

That being said, a lot of the basic stuff I had to create in Unity is already setup out of the box in Unreal. I actually had to modify what controls are available, because I’ll be using somewhat of a fixed camera angle.

Right now I’m re-importing the combo point system and adding some nice visual gauges and bars for it. Also I’ll have to play with Unreal’s animation system a little bit.

View from our campground at Riverbend.
View from campground

This weekend I went camping down near Olympia, WA. Was pretty great. perfect weather, cool friends and the water was nice. I was pretty much the only sober adult, but small price to pay for the progress I’ve made.

Have a good week, all. Sorry for the short post.

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